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Colegio Salesiano San Bernardo


    “El colegio Salesiano san Bernardo” is a school in Huesca. It is in the north of Spain, close to the Pyrenees. It is a historical city, it was found by the Iberians. Huesca is a small town (52.000) but very well connected by train or bus with the main cities.


    Our school has 609 students with ages between 3 and 16. It is located in a medium socio-economical point of view district, but during the last 10 years the number of immigrants and children with special needs are increasing. We have special programmes to satisfy their needs:


- Spanish linguistic immersions- Special programmes for an autistic student, for two Down syndrome students, and other cases.- Special grants and programmes for people without economical resources.


   This project will allow our children to open their minds and to start to share information with people from other countries. They will meet new colleagues, new knowledge about other cultures and languages and the benefits of working in groups.


   Teachers will have to think about their teaching process and maybe change it into the new educational paradigm and our students will take advantage of it.



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