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Istituto Comprensivo Statale "M.Montessori -  P.Mascagni"

   We live in the south of Italy in a beautiful city in the est of Sicily called Catania. Catania is a city with extraordinary environmental conditions. Set in one of the most beautiful landscapes in the Mediterranean, and at the foothills of the largest volcano in Europe, Mount Etna the city is an essential destination for anybody heading to Sicily.

   Its artistic and cultural heritage covers all ages, from the gothic-roman period to the present day. From classic age there are some splendid remains, such as the Greek theatre, the Odeon and the remains of the Roman amphitheatre. Also the following works are remarkable, such as the apse and the Norman interiors of the Cathedral, later rebuilt in Baroque age, and the Svevo castle, also known as Ursino, current seat of the Museo Comunale, where you can see sculptures, weapons and sacred furnishings.

  Catania is a very youthful city, with great artistic and cultural ferments. Our school is located in a disadvantaged area, in the suburb of the city. Our students come from a low class with a low cultural background. We have only a few immigrants (from China and Romania) but we have  many students with disability (due to a behavioral disadvantage).

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